Caps Lock
What about Caps lock?
It’s there (though maybe needs documenting). Double-tap the shift key to activate caps-lock, tap again to deactivate.
AdminTypefinity (Support, Typefinity) commented
The dark lock icon in dark keyboard mode is a bug. We will fix it.
As for the timing, after some experimentation here, it seems the system keyboard (on iOS 8 at least) has the same timing as PadKeys. In fact that's probably where we got it from. SwiftKey lets you be a bit slower, but both it and Swype have a bug where if you type shift, then a letter, then shift again quickly, it puts you into caps lock. We will have to examine how easy it would be to increase the timing while avoiding this problem.
Stephen F Ferguson commented
I am still having trouble with caps lock. It is as if I can't double tap the shift key fast
enough. The little lock picture doesn't come on. If I do get it the lock picture comes
on and caps lock works fine. Also I am using the dark keyboard layout and the
lock picture is hard to see. It would be better if the lock picture was white like the
keys.I like the keyboard. The only problem I have with it is the double tap of the shift
key. I have been using the swiftkey keyboard and the apple standard keyboard.
Both of them work fine with caps lock. I think it is a timing problem for me with the
PadKeys keyboard. Maybe it could be addressed with a update?
Thanks Steve