Most used special characters bar
I often use some special characters that need to switch to symbols or use alternate/shift keys or long press popup to access it. It is very annoying having to press 3 different keys to get a special character every time.
Since those characters are often always the same 2 or 3, it would be useful to automatically add the most used special characters on a additional horizontal bar or in the same bar containing the suggestions, maybe at the very left. Just 4 or 5 keys would be helpful. Just count the frequency of usage of those special characters and put the most used there. (example: «»…“” when writing dialogs, or {} when programming).
Hello, what device and orientation are you typically using? (Reason I ask, there is a lot more horizontal room for such things on an iPad in landscape mode than a phone in portrait mode, but on the other hand more vertical space is available in the latter case.)
Freemen Muaddib commented
I use almost esclusively the landscape orientation on iPad and the portrait orientation on iPhone. Please add this bar, it would solve all problems for those who ask some keys to be added. If they use a key a lot, it will be displayed on the frequently used characters bar on top. No need to personalize the key dispositions for everyone.
The most used keys missing from the layout must be automatically displayed on top of the keyboard, no need to search for them every time.
Of course you need to allow the input from ad additional keyboard tab or panel with the full unicode set of characters, so that just selecting them a couple of times will add them to the frequent bar.