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21 results found

  1. Would it be possible to separate the selection of a language and the selection of a keyboard layout?

    On my PC, I type in 3 languages, German, English and Dutch. But I only use my German hardware keyboard for all languages. Switching keyboard layouts is confusing and slows typing speed. If I could leave my PadKeys layout, while changing the language and preselect the layout in settings, it would be very helpful.

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    What you are saying makes sense, and would not be hard to implement. However the trick is to keep the configuration simple for the user. It starts to feel clunky when you are having to select layout and language separately.

    One idea might be to have an “freeze layout” switch which if unset (the default) leaves behavior as now. If it IS set, that layout stays unchanged, and only the language changes when selecting by the regular mechanism (either quick-switch or from list in settings).

  2. Split Keyboard

    I love using the split keyboard capability of the iOS keyboard; however, I love your layout much better. Please consider a split keyboard feature.

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    Update (June 2021): When we first attempted to implement this we could not find a clean way that didn’t risk introducing bugs. However, this is one of the most popular suggestions that we haven’t addressed yet. We will look into it again for a coming release.

  3. Most used special characters bar

    I often use some special characters that need to switch to symbols or use alternate/shift keys or long press popup to access it. It is very annoying having to press 3 different keys to get a special character every time.
    Since those characters are often always the same 2 or 3, it would be useful to automatically add the most used special characters on a additional horizontal bar or in the same bar containing the suggestions, maybe at the very left. Just 4 or 5 keys would be helpful. Just count the frequency of usage of those special characters and…

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    Hello, what device and orientation are you typically using? (Reason I ask, there is a lot more horizontal room for such things on an iPad in landscape mode than a phone in portrait mode, but on the other hand more vertical space is available in the latter case.)

  4. brackets

    Can we have ( ) style brackets on the msin keyboard rather than [ ]?

    I think ? Might be more useful than / too


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    We’re interested to hear more feedback on this, but… One of the main motivations behind PadKeys is to avoid the need for learning special layouts. The thought is that the advantages of having those keys available without Shift is actually outweighed by the hesitations caused by having a different layout from the one present in hardware keyboards everywhere.

    Even something that may seem an obvious win like a “.com” key, which saves 3 keystrokes when typing in a URL, is of unclear benefit when you have to stop and hunt around for it, it takes up space that could be used for making larger letter keys, and it doesn’t help when typing in .de, .net, .org, or the site name itself.

    Of course, none of these arguments hold for users more used to phones than regular computers. But PadKeys is not trying to be a keyboard for everyone,…

  5. iPhone: Move backspace to low position

    On the iPhone, move the backspace key to the first or second row like it is on the system keyboard.

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    Hi, putting this idea on the forum so we can find out how many people prefer the backspace in one place or the other.

    Currently it is in the top row. GOOD because it’s like other (non-phone) keyboards and allows the punctuation keys to be in their normal places. BAD because it makes backspace harder to hit and the keyboard is harder to get used to from other phone keyboards.

    We could move it to the bottom row. GOOD because it’s like phone keyboards that people are used to, and allows the backspace to be easily hit. BAD because it’s different from standard keyboards and would move the punctuation keys to a strange, hard-to-hit place.

    If opinions are split we might consider making it an option, but options make the keyboard more complicated to configure (and many users never open Settings) and to maintain.

  6. Lock the globe

    Often hit the globe by mistake and fumble to get back to PadKeys, can you lock it so a long press is needed to change?

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    We can consider this, however:

    - It slows down the use case where you often switch to an emoji keyboard, or to Apple’s (to get dictation button).
    - It operates differently from the Globe on the Apple keyboard, so many users may have a hard time finding it, and/or Apple itself might reject the app.

    I wonder if there would be any alternatives, maybe moving the Globe, or delaying the tap effect just enough on that key to avoid the accidental triggering during typing?

  7. Swiss German Keyboard

    add swiss german keyboard layout

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    Update: We have updated the option layout in Typefinity 2.0, such that in German, hitting 'Opt' pulls up keys for French letters on the right side in place of the German ones. This isn't exactly the Swiss layout but the user experience is similar: one modifier-key press gets you to the French letters.

    Please post your feedback on this approach, and if we can do adjustments to the layout to make it better. Thanks!

  8. German Keyboard without äöü-keys

    Apple ships four German Layouts with the iPad. The one I prefer is QWERTZ, which has no keys for ä, ö and ü. This layout is similar to the iPhone and makes it easier to switch between the devices.

    I miss this layout in padkeys.

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    We are still considering this. For Typefinity 2.0 we almost removed the two punctuation keys on the right of rows 2 and 3 (and did remove one on row 1) which would have given extra width to the letters (without actually removing umlauted keys), however we were a bit hesitant to "rock the boat", as the keyboard is widely used in Germany. Instead we may add a second German layout with this removal.

  9. Word suggestions: arrange around center rather than from left

    Put predictive words working out left and right from the center rather than all the way to the left. One's eyes will naturally look to the center more readily when typing.

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    We are considering this but there are pros and cons to both orderings. Certainly if we place the leading candidate in the middle we’ll need to block it out somehow so it stands out from the larger number of candidates that we present compared with the system keyboard and its imitators.

  10. Smaller text on keys on ipad

    When using PadKeys on an iPad, it would be great, if there was a couple of options in 'preferences' to set the smaller size to text for the keys. Also, it would be great, if in addition to 'Long-press' access to 'shifted' symbols, the access was available by hold-swipe down, similar to the system iOS keyboard. This would make for a faster workflow. Thanks.

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    We already offer swipe UP for access to shifted variant on the symbol keys. Are you saying you would like this on letters as well, or that you’d prefer down to up?

    As far as keycap font, we’ll offer a “small-label” theme if enough users are interested, just like the current “bold” theme provides a way to have bold keycaps.

  11. Press and hold with no up move should generate uppercase of the letter

    I need a gesture method to get uppercase letters, especially since Apple text replacement doesn't seem to be compatible with typefinity. I don't want to use the shift key. You already have press-and-hold -- just make uppercase the default, that is, generate the uppercase when user does press-and-hold with no substantial upward movement.

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  12. Improve Romanian layout and swipe on iPhone

    Swiping from a letter to hyphen and back to letter to introduce the hyphen in the middle of the word. Romanian language is formed by many words like this.

    I also suggest to eliminate the space between letters, there is need for these and integrate letters like ă, â, î, ș, in the Romanian keyboard. It's time consuming for a faster typing to press always the symbol button to pop-up these letters. These letters can be changed with the following punctuation marks: [, ', /.

    I attached a screen shot from swype keyboard designed by Nuance where I found the…

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    Hello, thanks for your feedback. Could you give some examples of hyphenated words?

    Currently on the iPhone Romanian layout the keys you mention are available by tapping opt. Is this not convenient, or are they not in the places you expect? (Asking because we are getting ready to modify that layout in the Typefinity 2.x series.)

    We do sacrifice some letter space for punctuation keys on the main layout, including ? and !.

  13. _Holding_ down Shift to turn Backspace into Forward Delete

    A suggestion is that while the the Shift key (and/or the Option key), (as opposed to a regular press, or Shift-lock/Option-lock), it turns the backspace into a Forward Delete.

    This would be a subtle change, and its presence might be highlighted to users by highlighting the Delete key in a slightly different colour when Shift/Option is pressed.

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  14. hold-and-drag-down to access shifted character

    GBoard (I think) recently released a feature where a key that produces a different character when shifted lets you access that alternate character by dragging down on the key. Now, this tends to conflict with your keyboard’s gesture-based typing (where you trace out words); but I think something reasonably close could be implemented by requiring the typist to hold the key as long as they have to in order to raise a popup menu; then, in order to access the shifted characer, they swipe down from there.

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    Just to note, this is supported already for number and symbol keys where the shifted character is punctuation or a symbol. Just swipe UP on the key to get the shifted version. We haven't done this for regular letter keys though, do you think it would be useful?

  15. include (sic) option in predictive text

    There are times when I don't want to go with any of the options given to me on the predictive text bar: I'm fine with what I've typed in and don't want to replace it with the recommended word (the one colored blue) — or any of the other words on the bar, for that matter — but I also don't want to keep the recommended word from being recommended in the future, the way the “×” option does. This is particularly a problem with “i”: I cannot type “i.e.” without getting “I. e.” or losing the ability to have…

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    What about adding long-press of the ‘X’ causes the suggestion to be suppressed this time but not in the future? This is the opposite of the way Jon Lang suggests but users will be unlikely to discover long-press and their first priority is to “teach” the keyboard not to make substitutions that are not right for them. Aside from that, we don’t want to get into adding manual actions for controlling the dictionary because the goal is this kind of fiddling is kept out of the user’s hands. (Note, ‘ie’ → ‘i.e.’ and similar have been added as hard-coded shortcuts in English.

    (Earlier comment):

    The problem you mention is an annoying one. But I’m not sure about solving it by taking up a slot on the suggestions row for (typed) or “typed” every time there is an auto-suggestion. The constant presence of that item is one of the things…

  16. 2 votes
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    Please vote for this if you’d be interested in it on iPhone. If we did it, it would not be optional, but maybe phone model / orientation dependent. On iPhone 5 and 6 form factors (includes X, XS) there is not a lot of room in portrait mode, particularly now with emoji completions.

  17. Case change and shift options

    1) Four CASE CHANGE options would be HUGE!!!
    2) Lock for numerical alt in making quotes and 3 successive exclamations—" !!! "—easy breezy.

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  18. New Option Layout in Typefinity 2.0 - feedback

    In Typefinity 2.0, released May 2, 2022, we've tackled a longstanding challenge and reworked the opt layout. Screenshots are attached, and you can read about the motivation and design goals here in our blog post:

    The changes have been rolled out for the most popular languages first: English, German, and Nordic languages. The others will come in future releases.

    Please post your feedback on the layout here. It wasn't easy coming up with the design and though we believe the foundation is good it could probably do with some tuning. We'll make changes based on input under this post.

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  19. Possible adding Norwegian-nynorsk as language?

    Only last week got aware of Your Brilliant Typefininty Keyboard. It made my week!
    Suppose You didn't invent the "Norwegian Bokmål" dictionary, which is included, yourselves, .
    My iPad has "Norwegian Nynorsk" (which is a second norwegian national approved variant) available.
    Nynorsk makes my days better.
    Is it possible for the exquisite Typefinity-keyboard to use the "Norwegain Nynorsk" glossary?
    Yours sincerely
    G. Storaas

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  20. Caps lock should also lock special characters in the row of digits

    I'm using Padkeys v4.7.5 on my iPad Pro 12.9 inch with iOS 16. I noticed that when I activate caps-lock by double-tapping on the Shift key, after the second tap the row with digits comes back.

    I often need to type multiple asterisk characters or plus signs in a row. With the current behavior, I need to always keep pressing Shift once again.

    Why not simply lock in the special characters together with the uppercase letters? I mean, in the real world, who is typing all-caps and then needs quick access to numbers on top of that?

    However, coders or…

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    Hi, thanks for your suggestion. The current behavior was designed to make typing alphanumeric codes easier. For example airline booking references like 2JXY95, or car license plate numbers. We even reverse the caps-lock behavior in the French keyboard layout (where you have to hit shift to get numbers). 

    If we made the change you suggest, then you would not need to hold shift while typing + or > three times, but then these other cases would become harder. So it really depends which need is occurring more often in the real world. Other thoughts are welcome, thanks!

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