It is difficult to read the keys.
The font of the keys should be larger and bold. At least give on option.
We increased the default font size, and when bold text is turned on in Accessibility settings we make the font bold as well.
France commented
I'm pretty sure it is. I've tried it myself. (General/Accessibility/Bold text on). Turning on this setting bolds characters on the entire iPad, not just the keyboard. The letters on your keyboard are definitely darker with this setting on. However, I love using your dark mode, with white characters on grey.
Lee commented
Personally myself, I would like the see the character font on the keys the same size as the IOS keyboard. I think it would help both when traversing between them visually as well as asthetically.
AdminTypefinity (Support, Typefinity) commented
We have released a beta version that displays the keys in a bold font if the "Bold Text" Accessibility option is enabled in the iPad General settings. If you're interested in trying it out, please drop us a line.
Also, note that another solution would be to enable the All-Caps Keycaps option. This renders the keys in caps all the time like the Apple system keyboard, which may or may not be desirable for other reasons but people say it is more readable.
AdminTypefinity (Support, Typefinity) commented
Hi, thanks for letting us know your thoughts here. We would like to avoid adding an option if possible and want to keep the overall look more on the light side, but maybe we can make the default a little bigger / darker. (What do other people think?) In the meantime one work-around might be to turn on the all-caps display option.